
Creates new SharePoint Online sites based on the data from an Excel file.

The `New-365CTSharePointSite` function connects to SharePoint Online(PnP) using the provided admin URL and imports site data from the specified Excel file. It then attempts to create each site based on the data.

The path to the Excel file containing the SharePoint site data. The file must exist and have an .xlsx extension.

The SharePoint Online admin URL.

The domain information required for the SharePoint site creation.

New-CT365SharePointSite -FilePath "C:\path\to\file.xlsx" -AdminUrl "" -Domain ""

This example creates SharePoint sites using the data from the "file.xlsx" and connects to SharePoint Online using the provided admin URL.

Make sure you have the necessary modules installed: ImportExcel, PnP.PowerShell, and PSFramework.


function New-CT365SharePointSite {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
                # First, check if the file has a valid Excel extension (.xlsx)
                if (-not(([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($psitem)) -match "\.(xlsx)$")) {
                    throw "The file path '$PSitem' does not have a valid Excel format. Please make sure to specify a valid file with a .xlsx extension and try again."
                # Then, check if the file exists
                if (-not([System.IO.File]::Exists($psitem))) {
                    throw "The file path '$PSitem' does not lead to an existing file. Please verify the 'FilePath' parameter and ensure that it points to a valid file (folders are not allowed)."
                # Return true if both conditions are met

                if ($_ -match '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.sharepoint\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$') {
                else {
                    throw "The URL $_ does not match the required format."

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
                # Check if the domain fits the pattern
                switch ($psitem) {
                    { $psitem -notmatch '^(((?!-))(xn--|_)?[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]{1,1}\.)*(xn--)?[a-z]{2,}(?:\.[a-z]{2,})+$' } {
                        throw "The provided domain is not in the correct format."
                    Default {
    begin {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{
            "Write-PSFMessage:Level"  = "OutPut"
            "Write-PSFMessage:Target" = "Preperation"

        # Import the required modules
        $ModulesToImport = "ImportExcel", "PnP.PowerShell", "PSFramework"
        Import-Module $ModulesToImport

        try {
            $SiteData = Import-Excel -Path $FilePath -WorksheetName "Sites"
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "Failed to import Sharepoint Site data from Excel file." -Level Error 


    process {
        foreach ($site in $siteData) {
            $siteurl = "https://$AdminUrl/sites/$($site.Url)"
            $PSDefaultParameterValues["Write-PSFMessage:Target"] = $site.Title
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "Creating Sharepoint Site: '$($site.Title)'"
            $newPnPSiteSplat = @{
                Type        = $null
                TimeZone    = $site.Timezone
                Title       = $site.Title
                ErrorAction = "Stop"
            switch -Regex ($site.SiteType) {
                "^TeamSite$" {
                    $newPnPSiteSplat.Type = $PSItem 
                    $newPnPSiteSplat.add("Alias", $site.Alias)
                "^(CommunicationSite|TeamSiteWithoutMicrosoft365Group)$" {
                    $newPnPSiteSplat.Type = $PSItem 
                    $newPnPSiteSplat.add("Url", $siteurl)
                default {
                    Write-PSFMessage "Unknown site type: $($site.SiteType) for site $($site.Title). Skipping." -Level Error
            try {
                New-PnPSite @newPnPSiteSplat 
                Write-PSFMessage -Message "Created Sharepoint Site: '$($site.Title)'"
            catch {
                Write-PSFMessage -Message "Could not create Sharepoint Site: '$($site.Title)' Skipping" -Level Error
                Write-PSFMessage -Message $Psitem.Exception.Message -Level Error

    end {
        Write-PSFMessage "SharePoint site creation process completed."
        # Disconnect from SharePoint Online