
    Creates a new Office 365 data environment template in an Excel workbook.

    The New-CT365DataEnvironment function creates a new Excel workbook with multiple worksheets
    for Users, Groups, Teams, Sites, and specified Job Roles. Each worksheet is formatted
    with predefined columns relevant to its content.

    Specifies the path to the Excel file (.xlsx) where the data environment will be created.
    The function checks if the file already exists, if it's a valid .xlsx file, and if the
    folder path exists.

    An array of job roles to create individual worksheets for each role in the Excel workbook.
    Each job role will have a worksheet with predefined columns.

    PS> New-CT365DataEnvironment -FilePath "C:\Data\O365Environment.xlsx" -JobRole "HR", "IT"
    This command creates an Excel workbook at the specified path with worksheets for Users,
    Groups, Teams, Sites, and additional worksheets for 'HR' and 'IT' job roles.

    PS> New-CT365DataEnvironment -FilePath "C:\Data\NewEnvironment.xlsx" -JobRole "Finance"
    This command creates an Excel workbook at the specified path with a worksheet for the
    'Finance' job role, along with the standard Users, Groups, Teams, and Sites worksheets.

    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-CT365DataEnvironment.

    None. This function does not generate any output.

    Requires the modules ImportExcel and PSFramework to be installed.



function New-CT365DataEnvironment {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
            if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) {
                throw "File $_ already exists, please provide a new file path"
            if (-not $_ -match '^.*\.(xlsx)$') {
                throw "File path $_ is not a valid .xlsx file, please provide a valid .xlsx file path"
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path (Split-Path $_) -PathType Container)) {
                throw "Folder path for $_ does not exist, please confirm path does exist"
            return $true


    begin {
        # Import Required Modules
        $ModulesToImport = "ImportExcel", "PSFramework"
        Import-Module $ModulesToImport

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Creating workbook at $FilePath"

        # Helper function
        function New-EmptyCustomObject {
            param (
            $customObject = [PSCustomObject]@{}
            $customObject | Select-Object -Property $PropertyNames

    process {
        # Define properties for custom objects
        $propertyDefinitions = @{
            Users   = @(
                "FirstName", "LastName", "UserName", "Title", "Department",
                "StreetAddress", "City", "State", "PostalCode", "Country",
                "PhoneNumber", "MobilePhone", "FaxNumber", "UsageLocation", "CompanyName", "EmployeeHireDate", "EmployeeId", "EmployeeType", "License"
            Groups  = @(
                "DisplayName", "PrimarySMTP", "Description", "Type"
            JobRole = @(
                "DisplayName", "PrimarySMTP", "Description", "Type"
            Teams   = @(
                "TeamName", "TeamDescription", "TeamType", "Channel1Name", "Channel1Description", "Channel1Type", "Channel2Name", "Channel2Description", "Channel2Type"
            Sites   = @(
                "Url", "Template", "TimeZone", "Title", "Alias", "SiteType"
        # Define custom objects for each worksheet
        $usersObject = New-EmptyCustomObject -PropertyNames $propertyDefinitions.Users
        $groupsObject = New-EmptyCustomObject -PropertyNames $propertyDefinitions.Groups
        $teamsObject = New-EmptyCustomObject -PropertyNames $propertyDefinitions.Teams
        $sitesObject = New-EmptyCustomObject -PropertyNames $propertyDefinitions.Sites

        # Export each worksheet to the workbook
        $usersObject  | Export-Excel -Path $FilePath -WorksheetName "Users" -ClearSheet -AutoSize
        $groupsObject | Export-Excel -Path $FilePath -WorksheetName "Groups" -Append -AutoSize
        $teamsObject | Export-Excel -Path $FilePath -WorksheetName "Teams" -Append -AutoSize
        $sitesObject | Export-Excel -Path $FilePath -WorksheetName "Sites" -Append -AutoSize

        foreach ($JobRoleItem in $JobRole) {
            $RoleObject = New-EmptyCustomObject -PropertyNames $propertyDefinitions.JobRole
            $RoleObject | Export-Excel -Path $FilePath -WorksheetName $JobRoleItem -Append -AutoSize

    end {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Workbook created successfully at $FilePath"