

.DESCRIPTION Azure Automation Runbook Script to stop an SAP HANA DB.

.VERSION 0.0.4

.GUID 7e64d4d0-abb6-42d5-af93-9eeb3a1e026e

.AUTHOR Goran Condric


.COPYRIGHT (c) 2020 Microsoft . All rights reserved.

.TAGS Azure Automation SAP System Stop HANA Runbook







0.0.1: - Add initial version
0.0.3: - Add dedpendencies to SAPAzurePowerShellModules module
0.0.4: - Support for using a system-assigned managed identity for an Azure Automation account, and multiple Azure subscriptions

#Requires -Module SAPAzurePowerShellModules

[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
[string] $SAPHANASID,

[bool] $ConvertDisksToStandard =  $False,

[bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False,

[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Subscription ID. If null, the current subscription of automation account is used instead.")] 
[string] $SubscriptionId


Write-WithTime "Make sure to enable appropriate RBAC permissions to the system identity of this automation account. Otherwise, the runbook may fail."

Write-Output ""
Write-Output "You can enable system identity on the Azure automation account:"
Write-Output "1. Go to: Azure automation acccount -> Identity -> System asigned -> Status -> <On>"
Write-Output "2. Go to: Azure automation acccount -> Identity -> System asigned -> Permissions -> Azure role assignments -> Add role assignment ->"
Write-Output "Scope: 'Subscription'"
Write-Output "Subscription: <Chose your Subscription>"
Write-Output "Role: 'Owner'"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "More info on: "
Write-Output ""

# Connect to Azure with Automation Account system-assigned managed identity
Write-WithTime " Connecting to Azure with Automation Account system-assigned managed identity ...."
Write-Output ""

# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | out-null

try {
    # Connect to Azure with system-assigned managed identity
    $AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context
    Write-Error "There is no system-assigned user identity. Aborting."; 
    Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

if ($SubscriptionId){
    Write-Output "Using specified Subscription ID '$SubscriptionId'."
    $SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId.trim()
    Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ErrorVariable -notPresent  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Tenant $AzureContext.Tenant

# set and store context
$AzureContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $AzureContext.Subscription -DefaultProfile $AzureContext

# get start time
$StartTime = Get-Date


#Test if Tag 'SAPHANASID' with value $SAPHANASID exist. If not exit

# Get DBMS VMs

# List SAP DBMS layer VM(s)
Write-Output ""
Write-WithTime "SAP HANA DBMS VM(s):"

# Stop DBMS

# get DBMS Status
Write-Output ""
Get-AzDBMSStatus -SAPSIDDBMSVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

# Start DBMS
Write-Output ""
Stop-AzDBMS -SAPSIDDBMSVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

# get DBMS Status
Write-Output ""
Get-AzDBMSStatus -SAPSIDDBMSVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

# Stop VMs

Write-WithTime "Stopping SAP HANA VM(s) ..."
Write-Output ""
Stop-AzVMTagAndCheckVMStatus -SAPVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs -SAPInstanceType "SAP_DBMS"

# Convert the disks to Standard_LRS
    Convert-AzALLSAPVMsCollectionManagedDisksToStandard -SAPVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs

# get end time
$EndTime = Get-Date
$ElapsedTime = $EndTime - $StartTime#


Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Job succesfully finished."
Write-Output ""

Write-Output "SUMMARY:"

Write-Output " - SAP HANA '$SAPHANASID' DBMS stopped."    
Write-Output " - Virtual machine(s) are stopped."
    Write-Output " - All disks set to 'Standard_LRS' type."
    Write-Output " - All disks types are NOT changed."
Write-Output ""

Write-Output "[INFO] Total time : $($ElapsedTime.Days) days, $($ElapsedTime.Hours) hours, $($ElapsedTime.Minutes) minutes, $($ElapsedTime.Seconds) seconds, $($ElapsedTime.Seconds) milliseconds."