
    Describes the search filters that can be used when performing a search for
    information of hosts using shodan.
    For Search-ShodanHost and Measure-ShodanHost in the query option one can
    provide inside the search query filters using a "filter:value" format. For
    example, the following search query would find Apache webservers located in
    Germany: "apache country:DE".The following filters are currently supported:
     - after: Only show results that were collected after the given date
     - before: Only show results that were collected before the given date
     - city: Show results that are located in the given city.
     - country: Show results that are located within the given country.
     - geo: There are 2 modes to the geo filter: radius and bounding box. To
       limit results based on a radius around a pair of latitude/ longitude,
       provide 3 parameters; ex: geo:50,50,100. If you want to find all results
       within a bounding box, supply the top left and bottom right coordinates
       for the region; ex: geo:10,10,50,50.
     - hostname: Search for hosts that contain the given value in their
     - html: Search the HTML of the website for the given value.
     - isp: Find devices based on the upstream owner of the IP netblock.
     - link: Find devices depending on their connection to the Internet.
     - net: Search by netblock using CIDR notation; ex: net:
     - ntp.ip: Find NTP servers that had the given IP in their monlist.
     - ntp.ip_count: Find NTP servers that return the given number of IPs in the
       initial monlist response.
     - ntp.more: Whether or not more IPs were available for the given NTP
     - ntp.port: Find NTP servers that had IPs with the given port in their
     - org: Find devices based on the owner of the IP netblock.
     - os: Filter results based on the operating system of the device.
     - port: Find devices based on the services/ ports that are publicly
       exposed on the Internet.
     - product: Filter using the name of the software/ product; ex: product:Apache
     - title: Search the title of the website.
     - version: Filter the results to include only products of the given version;
        ex: product:apache version:1.3.37
    "Shodan API Documentation" (https://developer.shodan.io/api)